NCNW & ARDN Red Card Campaign

What is the Red Card Pledge?

The Red Card Pledge is our commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 – Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls.

In soccer, a Red Card is shown to any player who has committed a serious infraction of the rules and permanently dismisses the player from the field.  The Red Card Pledge Campaign envisions any form of gender-based discrimination and violence as a serious infraction of the rules of society, deserving of a red card.

Why take the pledge?

Do you think women and girls should be free from all forms of discrimination, violence, and exploitation?  Do you think all women and girls should be free to pursue their goals and realize their aspirations?  Do you agree with former U.S. President Barack Obama that “you can judge a nation, and how successful it will be, based on how it treats its women and its girls?”

If you agree, take the Red Card Pledge.  Taking the Red Card Pledge is a concrete way to bring about meaningful change.  Please join The African Renaissance Diaspora Network (ARDN) and the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) as we unite with national and global partners to create and sustain a constant, global, intentional movement to achieve this lofty goal.

What can you do?

First, take the Red Card Pledge yourself. Go to and submit your pledge.

Second, tell your friends, family members, teammates, and colleagues to take the pledge.

Third, help us spread the word about the Red Card Pledge. Like, share, and follow us on all of our social media platforms:


Fourth, post what you are doing to end violence against women and tag us. Use the following hashtags:

#redcardpledge  #Createdequal  #endgenderviolence