Committee on Young Adult & Collegiate Affairs

The Committee on Young Adult & Collegiate Affairs is a standing committee led by young adults and youth who serve as the “wings” of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW). This committee is committed to upholding the vision, mission, and future expansion of NCNW. 

The committee will consist of:

(5)     Young Adult Women Members (ages 18-39);
(10)   Collegiate Members and;
(5)     Youth Section Members. 


  1. To implement and sustain the transition from college to community-based sections.
  2. To recruit and ensure the longevity of youth and young adult membership.
  3. To center youth and young adult voices in National programming and events.
  4. To ensure young adult and youth representation is apparent in local, state and national committees and initiatives.


To provide strategic planning and initiatives for inclusion of young adult, collegiate and youth members within the organization, and participation in the planning of National events and programs. Prospective members of the committee shall meet the following expectations:

  1. Currently serve as a youth, collegiate or young adult member (ages 18-39), in an active section recognized by the National Headquarters.
  2. Available to meet 80% of the scheduled committee meetings which will be at minimum once a month.
  3. Actively engaged in the committee by submitting reports, attending meetings and participating in committee initiatives.
  4. Recognized and financially active as a member in good standing by National Headquarters and your local section.
  5. Failure to meet expectations will be reviewed and decided by the committee tri-chairs on a case-by-case basis.


Download Committee Application Form PDF

Contact: Email the Chanelle Johnson at