The 60th National Convention

The 60th National Convention will be held December 2-4, 2022,  The Dorothy I. Height Leadership Institute will take place December 1, 2022. This will be a hybrid event. Detailed information will be posted soon.

The National Convention is a legislative assembly that meets every two years to conduct its business according to the bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order. It is open to NCNW members, members of NCNW's affiliates organizations, and invited guests. 


  1. Review national and local issues.
  2. Determine NCNW's direction and goals.
  3. Review and approve amendments to the Bylaws.
  4. Review and approve the policies of NCNW.
  5. Elect national officers.

Voting Delegates are as follows:

  1. Each affiliate is entitled to have five (5) voting delegates with one (1) full vote each.
  2. Each section in good standing is entitled to have three (3) voting delegates with one (1)  full vote each.
  3. Every Life and Legacy Life Member may attend as a voting delegate with one full vote.
  4. Members, Associate Members, and friends attend as visiting attendees.