Create a New Section

The success of our sections lies in the collaborative team efforts of advocacy, volunteerism, service and leadership. Through our sections' work on the front lines, they help us lead, develop, and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities. The more sections we have, the greater our nationwide outreach and the more effectively we can help women of African descent realize their full potential. Read the steps below to learn how to start a section in your community. We appreciate your interest and welcome your participation!

  1. A group of women who are interested in starting a Section are referred to as a "Committee to Organize." The Committee to Organize should function with a temporary chair, secretary, and other temporary officers as needed.
  2. The Committee to Organize should complete and submit a Permission to Organize a Section or Guild Form (forms listed below) to the National Membership Director, Mr. David Glenn, Jr. at or mail to NCNW's National Office at 633 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004.
  1. Along with the completed Permission to Organize a Section or Guild of NCNW, each member of the Committee to Organize shall submit a short bio which includes their reason(s) for wanting to start a section in the community.
  2. Each member of the Committee to Organize should participate in recruiting members, taking into account the diversity of educational backgrounds, economic statuses, marital status, employment levels, geographic parts of the community, special talents and leadership experiences. NCNW is for all women - Leave No One Behind. The Committee shall ensure to include some members of our affiliate organizations as you will be required to have a minimum of three (3) persons from these organizations to join the newly formed section before you can become officially chartered (see website for complete list of Affiliates) - neighbors, family, friends, persons with whom you have worked with or served on community projects, etc.
  3. When the required number of women have been met (minimum number of members required per organization type: Community-based 50, Rural 30, Collegiate 20 and youth 15) a certificate of organization must be completed (see below) and forwarded to NCNW's National Office along with the Membership Enrollment and the appropriate membership fees remittance.
  1. NCNW's Board of Directors will issue a Charter in accordance with NCNW's The Charter recognizes the Section as a subordinate group of NCNW with rights, privileges, and responsibilities to operate for educational and charitable purposes as a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization.
  2. Service is the framework for activities, programs and projects of local Sections. Base your Section's activities on the needs of your community, especially as they relate to NCNW's current program targets.
  3. The National Headquarters will closely coordinate and monitor the new section to assure that the new group is operating within the goals of NCNW. Our website also includes a number of resources that help Section leaders coordinate their memberships and recruit, retain and reclaim members.
  4. Every three years a section is required that it's in full compliance with NCNW and the IRS. This process is called re-certification, and the Sections must complete re-certification forms to report their election of officers, membership, Fair Share contributions, convention representation, and participation in national support programs, projects, and events.
  5. Last, plan and installation of officers and chartering ceremony invite local, state, and national dignitaries and select one to install Section’s officers. (A ceremony with presentation of individual membership cards, section welcome letter and charter certificate by a NCNW National Officer/Staff Member is an effective addition.)

Note:  YOU ARE NOT A SECTION UNTIL APPROVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED; THEREFORE, FUND RAISING IS PROHIBITED (dues are not tax-deductible contributions and therefore are allowed to be collected). For more information, please contact David Glenn, Jr., Membership Director at or (202) 383-9121.